Hosted by Adam Sterling

Orange County Travel Massive - Relaunch Meet Up

Irvine, Orange County
Monday, May 16, 2022
6:00 PM
By attending this event you agree to our community code of conduct
4 attended 887

About this event

Join Travel Massive OC's relaunch event at the Hangar 24 Taproom in Irvine! It's a no-host happy hour/meet up/networking event. In typical OC fashion, the event will be laid back so don't feel like you have to get there "on time" however I do plan on giving a short introduction/welcome at 6:30ish.

Where: Hangar 24 Taproom, 17877 Von Karman Ave Unit 110, Irvine 92614. GPS often instructs to enter off of Gillette. Don't listen to it and enter off of Von Karman! It's much easier. Parking is free with validation.