Our paths cross again

Monday, Jun 25, 2018
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16 attended

About this event

It's that time of year again. The flowers have blossomed, spring has turned to summer and we've got a new chapter leader. Yes you did read that correctly.

To celebrate the renewal of the Prague chapter let's get together and get to know one another. What better place to do so, than at the newly opened pop-up Market Manifesto in Florenc? This will be a casual meet and greet style event, so feel free to bring along a travel friend or two.

See you soon by the stage at Manifesto!

Opět nastal ten čas... květy jsou v rozpuku, jaro se proměňuje v léto (i když v těchto dnech spíše podzim!). My se ale nedáme odradit počasím. S radostí oznamujeme, že Prague Chapter má nového lídra. Ano, čtete správně.

Tak to pojďme oslavit! A kde jinde než na nově otevřeném pop-up marketu Manifesto na Florenci. Přijďte a přiveďte i své přátele.

Uvidíme se již dnes, na Manifestu.

👏 Organized by Martina Vosmikova
📍 Event location: Manifesto Market
🗺 Na Florenci, Praha 110 00