Hi everyone, welcome to Travel Massive Tokyo’s 3rd event, sponsored by Navitime!
This event will be quite special, as the format will be different from the previous 2 events. This time, we are hosting a workshop-style event, where we will focus on a smaller group of attendees, and on a specific theme: “Inbound (Travel to Japan) x Content"! Our speakers will be talented content creators: Gonzague, who runs the video content-focused Tokyo Street View website, and Charles Spreckley, who recently launched an app, a website and published a book on unique luxury Tokyo destinations, with a focus on people (People Make Places)!
Who should come to the event?
Anyone working in a field linked to content creation (especially writing, video and photography), willing to discuss with other talented creators on new ideas and best practices for this ever-evolving topic. As there are only 40 spots for the event, please make sure to register quickly!
Travel Massive Tokyo Chapterのみなさま、次回3rdイベントの開催が決定しました!Sponsored by Navitime!
コンテンツクリエーターとして活躍する"Tokyo Street View"を運営するGonzague氏と、ユニークな東京のラグジュアリースポットを紹介するアプリ/webサイトを立ち上げ、本も出版している"People Make Places"のCharles Spreckley氏をゲストに迎え、皆さんと様々なディスカッションができる場にしたいと考えています。
Who should come to the event? – こんな方ぜひご参加ください