Travel Massive Tokyo - Influencer Marketing Workshop

Tuesday, Jul 19, 2016
By attending this event you agree to our community code of conduct
24 attended

About this event

Hello Tokyo Chapter members. We’ve all been busy during the travel season as both inbound and outbound are gearing up, but we’ve put together a great 4th event for Travel Massive Tokyo.

Our previous content-focused event was a great success, so this time we’re continuing with the discussion format with a smaller group and targeted theme: Influencers! Whether through Facebook, Instagram, or a variety of more localised channels, brands and destinations are keen on getting attention and credibility through respected members of those communities.

The concept of using “influencers” for travel promotion is a big topic, often misunderstood, and very important especially cross-market. We’ll provide drinks and light snacks, and facilitate the discussions and Q&A with our unique guests.

Topics and Speakers:

• Introduction from Kei Shibata (Venture Republic)

• The role of influencers for Inbound Travel to Japan
- Speaker: Chie Maeda (Tokyo Luxey)

• How to measure effectiveness of influencer marketing
- Speaker: Hiromi Hanado (Tokyo Luxey)

• Panel Discussion and Case Studies:
- Nina (Thai influencer with over 1 million Facebook fans)
- Junko Saito and Sunaho Nakatani (Keio Plaza Hotel)
- Chie Maeda (Moderator)

Who should come?
Anyone working in travel marketing, both inbound and outbound, seeking to understand the role, power, and possibilities of working with social media influencers. Get the chance to ask professionals on both the influencer and client side to see how these strategies can work for you. There are only 40 spots so be sure to register early-on.

旅行シーズンのピークを目前に控えてみなさんもきっとお忙しいことと存じますが、そんななか、来たる7月19日(火)、「インフルエンサーマーケティング」をテーマに第4回目となる「Travel Massive Tokyo」を開催します。

「Travel Massive Tokyo - Influencer Marketing Workshop」
    東京都港区西麻布4-3-11 泉西麻布ビル

インフルエンサーをいかにして活用するかは旅行業界にとっても大きなトピックですが、これはしばしば誤解されることがあり、そして私たちが考える以上に非常に重要なクロスマーケットの機会でもあるのです。今回のTravel Massive Tokyoでは、お飲み物やちょっとしたフードとともに、ユニークなゲストの方々とディスカッションや質疑応答を楽しんでいただければと思います。


・The role of influencers for Inbound Travel to Japan
 前田知映(Tokyo Luxey)

• How to measure effectiveness of influencer marketing
 花堂博美(Tokyo Luxey)

• Panel Discussion and Case Studies:
- Nina (タイでFacebook100万人以上のフォロワーを抱えるインフルエンサー)
- 斎藤潤子(京王プラザホテル)
- 前田知映(モデレーター)



Travel Massive Tokyo Chapterチーム一同

👏 Organized by Michael Keferl
📍 Event location: Venture Republic
🗺 Izumi Nishiazabu Building
Nishiazabu 4-3-11, Minato, Tokyo 106-0031