Hosted by Jean Cheney

Virtual coffee roulette

Thursday, Mar 26, 2020
By attending this event you agree to our community code of conduct
7 attended

About this event

A new and creative way to reach out and connect with your fellow Melbourne members - why online of course! To help keep your sanity during these times, and for those of us in isolation we are running a coffee catch up roulette.

The rules are really simple -

1 - Register for the event
2 - Receive details on who you have been partnered up with
2 - Dial into an agreed virtual meeting zone - think WhatsApp, Zoom, Facetime or Google Hangouts
3 - Have a good ol' fashion chat about life, travel, annoying at home co-workers

Now this is our first time trialing an event like this. So we're going to ask a few things from you;

That you respect the privacy of each member. Whether that be an email address or a phone number. Rule #1 don't be a dick

Secondly that if you have registered to join in that you do make a solid commitment to turn up. Depending on the numbers of attendees we will aim to have people randomly paired in groups of 2 and max 4.

Finally to have some fun. These are ever changing times and it's easy to get caught up in the doom and gloom of all things!

👏 Organized by Jean Cheney
📍 Event location: At home
🗺 In the comfort of your own work space and pajamas.