· 1 year ago

Coordle The effective, effortless, expert way to move your group

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Coordle is a B2B group movement platform designed to address the coordination challenges you face with moving groups of people. We streamline real-time information, a moveable itinerary, group messaging, polling, hosting capabilities, and more via our user-friendly web platform and app.

We center on inclusion, diversity, accessibility, safety, and mobility. We care about ensuring the needs of those often overlooked are prioritized and valued on Coordle. Group movement experiences vary significantly for individuals from diverse backgrounds, including LGBTQ+, BIPOC, and/or disabled folks. Recognizing and addressing these communities’ unique needs and challenges is essential to ensure an inclusive and equitable group movement.

Let us help you move your groups!

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CEO, Coordle

Hi friends!

We are here to help you elevate your group travel experience and your participant experience. We know the stress you have with managing all of the logistical details in text or WhatsApp threads, changing information in those Google Sheet cells, or on the Canva when the partipants land. Our goal is to partner with you because we know the booking, selling, planning, or gathering payments has been exhausting and now you have to worry about managing the details.

Our focus is on making group movements effective and effortless.

What we DON'T do:

* Act as a CRM
* Hotel or flight bookings
* Building of itineraries

That’s an other company’s expertise. We're here to enhance the overall experience of you, your staff, and your participants. We are in a digital world and want to help you elevate your on the ground experience from PDFs, Canva documents, Google sheets, or constant text threads. A part of the client's experience is keeping everything accessible and in real time.

We want to take the pressure off you once the events, trips, retreats or whatever starts through our real time platform and app! Let's chat!

👉 Sign up for your free trial at coordleapp.com

1 year ago (edited)
Founder, Travel Massive

Hi Jen, thanks for sharing Coordle (great name!) with the Travel Massive community!

Wonderful to see a product with a specific focus on accessible travel.

What inspired you to build the product?

1 day later
CEO, Coordle

Hi Ian! Thank you! The name is for coordination + people! great question- So we don't have a specific focus on accessibility, we are imbedding it into our foundation which I think is a little different. To me having it imbedded in our foundation means that whatever do we want to make sure we are looking through the lens of accessibility and inclusion, who is possibly not able to user our platform because it isn't accessible visually, auditory, or on the mobile version. Do we need to make words bigger, use different colors, bigger buttons, and etc. That is having it imbedded vs something built that has the specific focus.

Travel can be very unaccessible and many times people feel it is difficult or expensive to add accessiblity once their app has been fully developed, where we are trying to be thoughtful from the beginning. Are we going to mess up? Absolutely. We will own that and keep trying to make it right.

1 day later
Founder + CEO, Conscious Travel Collective

Congrats on your launch Jen! I'm signing up today, excited for the trial :)

1 year ago
CEO, Coordle

Thank you friend! Any questions or feedback I would love to hear it.

1 hour later


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Coordle was posted by Dr. Jen Fry in App , Group Travel , Diversity , Accessible Travel , Retreat , Startup . Featured on Nov 21, 2023 (1 year ago). Coordle is not rated yet.