Quick poll of members who have WordPress blogs β what are your favourite plugins?
I crunched the numbers on more than 6,000 WordPress blogs hosted by Travel Massive members (that's a big network!) to discover the most popular plugins:
1. Yoast (50% use premium)
2. Jetpack
3. Instagram feed for WP
4. Monster Insights
5. Slider Revolution
6. Visual Composer
7. WP Super Cache
8. Mailchimp
9. Wordfence
10. Autooptimize
What plugin are a "must have" for your blog, or you can't do without? And what plugins are you willing to pay for? Any other plugin tips to share?
If you answer this discussion please feel free to share a link to your blog as well.
We all know Sardinia is famous for its stunning beaches, but as a local guide, I'm curious: how many travel professionals here know about our mysterious nuraghi - the 8,000 ancient stone towers scattered across the island? They're older than the pyramids, yet many visitors miss these incredible archaeological sites.
What's your experience in cultural experiences beyond the beach in Sardinia?