Madrid Travel Massive A travel community in Madrid

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Lista de funcionalidades en Travel Massive :

- Buscar y conectarse con nuevos miembros y unirte a 5 ciudades.
- Siga a un miembro y sea seguido por este, para enviaros mensajes instantáneos.
- Por favor, sigue al Coordinador de Madrid para tener mensajes directos, gracias.
- Bolsa de trabajo y mercado de la industria
- Foro de discusion
- Blog con entrevistas de la industria.
- Podcast, puedes incluir el tuyo.
- Webinars en vivo.
- Listas
- Eventos gratuitos mensuales, para ser un ponente. Puede presentar su empresa en todo el mundo.
- En un Evento Publicado, puede comunicarse con el Coordinador de Travel Massive, con un botón que se encuentra al lado del Botón de Registro.
- Eventos Patrocinados, Travel Massive le organiza un evento para que se dirija a futuros clientes para mostrarles sus productos.(De pago).
- Incluir un post de tu empresa en el Blog de Travel Massive.(De pago).
- Por favor, apúntate a nuestro grupos:

(English) List of Travel Massive activities:

- Search and connect with new members and to a few citys. You can be at 5 city groups.
- Please, follow a member and be followed by this one, to send instant messages.
- Please follow the Madrid Chapter Leader, for direct messages, thank you.
- Job Board and industry marketplace
- Discussion Forum
- Blog with industry interviews
- Travel Massive Podcast
- Travel Massive LIVE webinars
- Travel Massive Lists (just launched)
- Free events to be a speaker and present your company worldwide.
- At an event post you can comunicate to the event Chapter Leader by a button behind Registration Button.
- Sponsored Events: Travel Massive finds you future clients to show your products to them.(Paid).
- Adding an article of your company in our blog (Paid).
-Please join our groups: @travelmassivemadrid #travelmassivemadrid

A unique cocktail of culture, comfort and kicks.

Be it Picasso, Velazquez, vino or languages, all make for a fascinating and vibrant city that is one of Europe´s prime destinations for weekend breaks. Famous as much for its food as its insomniac locals and long summers, Madrid never fails to capture both romantic hearts and hungry minds.

One hour from Toledo, thirty minutes from El Escorial and just over two hours from Seville, the historical spanish capital has become the perfect hub from which to embark on random adventures throughout the Iberian peninsula.

Travel Massive Madrid aims to add fresh impetus to the ever evolving tourism of Madrid and surrounding areas.

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1 Review 5/5


Product Designer. UX/UI designer.

Bienvenidos, apuntaros a Travel Massive Madrid. Plataforma gratuita internacional de trabajadores turísticos.
Welcome onboard, please ask me anything. Thank you.

1 year ago (edited)
Founder, Bike Spain Tours

Hola a todos,
Somos una agencia de viajes en BICICLETA y buscamos guia para tours en Madrid y tambien para viajar por España.
Interesados escribir a

2 years ago
Product Designer. UX/UI designer.

Hi, I am going to Fitur in Madrid, Spain on wednesday 22 January.
International Tourism Trade Fair from 22 to 26 january 2025
Fitur is the benchmark event in the tourism sector and the leading trade fair for inbound and outbound international markets.The global hub for tourism industry professionals and the sector's largest business platform.
Please write to me if you want to meet there. Thank you.

Announced 1 month ago


About this Community
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Madrid Travel Massive

1 review

Madrid Travel Massive is led by Susana Zarzosa and posted in Community , Travel Massive , Meetup Group , Madrid , Spain . Updated on Oct 30, 2024 (4 months ago). Madrid Travel Massive is rated 5/5 ★ by 1 member.
315 Members