· 2 years ago

Mapmelon Discover, Connect, and Share with the Coliving Community

7 Comments Badges

Imagine this: you've just spent the last few months living in a coliving space with a group of like-minded individuals from all around the world. You've made close friends, but the time has come for everyone to move on to their next adventures 😭.

As you start to plan your next trip, you realize that keeping in touch with your friends from the coliving will be a challenge. That's where Mapmelon comes in 🦸🏻.

Our platform is designed to help nomads stay connected with each other after leaving a coliving. You can see where your friends have been and where they're planning to go next, as well as check out reviews and categories for various colivings.

You'll never worry about losing touch with the amazing people you met while coliving. So whether you've just left a coliving in Bali, or are preparing to embark on a new adventure in Barcelona, Mapmelon has you covered 🚀

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Hi, I’m Sole - Digital Marketer and Co-founder of Mapmelon! I am also, a Digital Nomad who has met tons of people around the world in the last years.

All this time, I’ve been obsessed with solving the problem: How can I keep the contact and meet again with the friend I make easily without having to constantly ask where they are or check their social media?

Mapmelon is the solution. A platform where you upload your travel plans and are updated with your friends’ ones. Worried about the security? Don’t be so. Mapmelon doesn’t track your location, so it empowers anyone to share just what they want.

❤ Is 100% free.
🌐 Works on Browser or as an App (Android and iOS).
🙌 Brings people together, the goal is to meet with your friends again in real life.
🖼️ Image uploads to share your awesome trips.
🗺 Spot Lists to share and discover the cool places the community finds.
🏅 Badges and stats to show in your profile.

This is our invitation for travellers, nomads and backpackers to journal their trips and start spending more time together around the globe.

Time to create an account and share it with your friends!

2 years ago
Founder, Travel Massive

Hi Sole, thanks for sharing Mapmelon with the Travel Massive community!

Congrats on what you’ve created so far - this is very impressive. I like the profile page layout, the badges, and the global map view.

How are you planning to grow the community? Have you created any new / interesting connections between people that you can share?

4 days later

Hi Ian! Thanks for the support 😄

For now, we plan to grow the community organically, with word to mouth, social media and travel forums. In the end we don't really care about having tons of users, instead we care on having users that really use the app and find it useful in their trips.

The app is mostly focused on maintain contact with friends you already have and sharing cool spots.

In my case I would say it helped me improve the connections I made in co-livings or nomad meetings.
Thanks to the app I was able to see that, a person I met one day in Bali is now in New York. So, I met with him in New York and we spent more time together, strengthening our connection ✨.

I also created connections with some people of the same nomad/travel community (people I didn't knew before) thanks to the support they gave to the app and the feedback we received from them. Now I can't wait to see their new locations and try to meet them in real life! 😊

What other ways do you think we could use to grow the community? 😄

3 hours later (edited)
Founder, Travel Massive

I think more gamification could help you grow. Could you build a weekly travel quiz, or leaderboard, that will bring people back even when they aren’t traveling?

Also don’t underestimate the power of asking for travel tips - many people are glad to share their advice. Perhaps there’s a way to tap into that as well.

Last, while everyone will give you plenty of ideas, stick to keeping your app simple and your core focus!

1 day later (edited)
Director, I Am Cape Town

Thanks, Ian and Sole for this exchange on Mapmelon, sounds interesting. Will be checking it out.

7 hours later

Great idea, the quiz! We were doing gamification with the badges and the ranking of spots that is now in the Search Page. Definitely something to plan to add in the future.

About the travel tips that's a great idea, we have a feature called Spot Lists where users can upload their favorite spots of a city but we didn't integrate any kind of forum/blog with questions... Maybe there's a way to collaborate with Travel Massive and link the platforms in some way in the future :)

Thank you for all the ideas and the tip, for now we want to focus on improve what we have and when everything works perfect, think about what are the core features we need to add next.

If you have more feedback or tips it would be great to hear them. Thank you for the support :)

13 hours later

Update here! 👇🏻

We changed the app, and decided to add some colivings features to help nomads that stay in colivings keep contact. This is our core now and we are planning on adding more features related to it 🏘️.

Some of the current features are:
- Add a coliving to your location.
- Explore the colivings page and find a new home out of home.
- Read the reviews before booking and leave one when you leave.
- Check who wants to go there and try to meet.

In the future we are planning on adding a system of questions and answers to help colivers make a decision.

This is our second invitation for colivers and curious nomads to discover the coliving community and spend more time with other nomads.

Time to create an account and share it with your friends 🌎

Announced 2 years ago


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4 reviews

Mapmelon was posted by Sole Garcia in App , Digital Nomad , Map , Startup , Coliving , Coworking . Updated on Mar 29, 2023 (2 years ago). Mapmelon is rated 4.8/5 ★ by 4 members.