· 16 days ago

Service Learning in Vietnam — How Scivi Travel Transforms Education Through Experiential Travel

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In a rapidly changing world where global perspectives are more important than ever, travel has evolved from a mere leisure activity into an essential learning experience. Scivi Travel, a pioneering educational travel company based in Vietnam, is at the forefront of this transformation. Its mission: to offer travelers, students, and educators the chance to immerse themselves in Vietnam’s rich culture, history, and communities through a unique blend of experiential and service learning programs.

But why service learning? And how is Scivi Travel reshaping the landscape of educational travel in Vietnam? The answers lie in its innovative approach, which brings together meaningful travel experiences with a genuine commitment to social impact.

The Growing Trend of Experiential Travel

Travel is no longer just about seeing landmarks or checking destinations off a bucket list. For many, it has become a way to gain a deeper understanding of different cultures, histories, and global challenges. This shift has given rise to what is known as experiential travel – a style of travel that emphasizes active, immersive, and meaningful engagement with a destination.

Experiential travel often involves cultural immersion, adventure, and a focus on sustainability, but it takes on a more profound role when combined with service learning. At the intersection of these two concepts is where Scivi Travel operates, offering programs that don’t just introduce visitors to Vietnam, but invite them to actively participate in the country’s development through community service and learning.

“We believe that travel should go beyond just taking pictures and sightseeing,” Hannah Nguyen, Product & Community Development of Scivi Travel. “It should be an opportunity for individuals to immerse themselves in new environments, to contribute to local communities, and to return home with a deeper understanding of the world.”

What is Service Learning?

Service learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection. Unlike traditional volunteer work, which often focuses solely on the service aspect, service learning combines hands-on activities with educational outcomes, creating a reciprocal relationship between the traveler and the host community.

For example, in Scivi Travel’s programs, participants might work on environmental conservation projects in the Mekong Delta, helping to plant mangroves while learning about climate change and its impact on local communities. Or they may assist in building house for local poor farmers in rural villages, exchange culture activities with local kids while simultaneously gaining insights into Vietnam’s education system and the challenges it faces.

This type of learning offers multiple benefits. Not only does it allow participants to contribute to the communities they visit, but it also encourages critical thinking, cross-cultural understanding, and personal growth.

Vietnam: A Country of Complexities and Contrasts

Vietnam is a country that lends itself perfectly to this kind of travel. With its history of colonization, war, and rapid modernization, Vietnam presents a rich tapestry of learning opportunities for travelers. Its vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and hospitable people make it an appealing destination for tourists. But beneath its beauty lies a country that is still grappling with economic inequality, environmental challenges, and social issues, particularly in rural and underserved areas.

This duality makes Vietnam an ideal setting for service learning. Participants in Scivi Travel’s programs can experience both the country’s triumphs and its ongoing struggles, gaining a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of Vietnam’s development journey.

How Scivi Travel Integrates Service Learning

At the heart of Scivi Travel’s offerings are its educational travel programs, which are tailored to students, educators, and conscious travelers looking for more than just a vacation. The programs cover a wide range of topics, from environmental sustainability to rural education, health, and community development. But the common thread is that each program is built on the principles of service learning.

One of the hallmarks of Scivi Travel is its collaborative approach. Rather than imposing a one-size-fits-all service model, the company works closely with local communities to identify their needs and build projects that align with those needs. This ensures that the service provided is not only meaningful but also sustainable.

For instance, in partnership with local NGOs and community groups, Scivi Travel organizes short-term projects that are achievable within the span of a travel program, such as building a library for a rural school or setting up a clean water system for a village. But it also works on long-term initiatives that continue to make a difference long after the travelers have returned home.

“Sustainability is at the core of what we do,” says Linh Nguyen, a program coordinator at Scivi Travel. “We want to ensure that the projects our travelers work on have a lasting impact on the communities they serve.”

The Impact on Participants

For the participants, the benefits of Scivi Travel’s service learning programs are profound. Beyond the immediate gratification of helping others, participants often return home with a transformed perspective on global issues, particularly those relating to development, education, and sustainability.

“I came to Vietnam thinking I would be giving back, but in reality, I learned so much more than I expected,” says Sarah, a recent college graduate who participated in one of Scivi Travel’s rural education programs. “The experience opened my eyes to the challenges many communities face, but it also gave me hope because I saw how much we can accomplish by working together.”

Indeed, service learning provides an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Participants develop practical skills like leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving, all while gaining a better understanding of global issues. Many use these experiences to enhance their careers in fields such as education, healthcare, and international development.

Building Global Citizens

One of the broader goals of Scivi Travel is to foster global citizenship. In today’s interconnected world, the challenges we face – whether they relate to climate change, education, or social justice – are global in nature. Through service learning, participants become more aware of their role in this global landscape and develop the tools to become active, responsible citizens of the world.

“We want our participants to leave Vietnam not just with memories, but with a sense of responsibility and empowerment to make a difference,” Cuong Nguyen Manh, the Scivi Travel Director. “By engaging with local communities and learning from their experiences, we believe that travelers can gain the knowledge and empathy they need to address global challenges.”

Scivi Travel’s unique blend of experiential travel and service learning offers a new way to see and engage with the world. For those seeking to move beyond traditional travel experiences, Scivi Travel provides an opportunity to connect with local communities, learn from their stories, and contribute to their development.

As Vietnam continues to evolve, Scivi Travel’s programs are an invitation for travelers to be part of that journey – not as passive observers, but as active participants in creating a more sustainable, just, and interconnected world.

For more information about Scivi Travel’s programs and how you can get involved, visit scivitravel.com

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4 Reviews 5/5


Loved this article . The only way to take this forward for the next generation…. ! Very well written.

15 days ago
Co Founder, Experiential Travel Director, Scivi Travel

Thank you, Manisha! I'm glad you enjoyed the article. It’s important to inspire the next generation, and I'm happy it resonated with you!

15 days ago
Founder & CEO, Innoviet Travel

Congrat @Hannah and Scivi Team! So inspiring to see what your team doing for educational travel in Southeast Asia

15 days ago
Co Founder, Experiential Travel Director, Scivi Travel

Thank you, Hả! We appreciate your support and are excited to continue making an impact in educational travel across Southeast Asia!

15 days ago
Managing Director, Scivi Travel

Thanks, Hannah, for this insightful article! As a colleague, it's always wonderful to see the positive impact of our work spreading further!

12 days ago
Co Founder, Experiential Travel Director, Scivi Travel

Cuong, I truly appreciate having you as an amazing co-founder. It’s inspiring to see how our work is making a positive impact together.

11 days ago (edited)
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Service Learning in Vietnam

4 reviews

Service Learning in Vietnam was posted by Hannah Nguyen in Article , Education , Vietnam , Responsible Travel , Social Enterprise . Featured on Sep 20, 2024 (16 days ago). Service Learning in Vietnam — How Scivi Travel Transforms Education Through Experiential Travel is rated 5/5 ★ by 4 members.