Alcatraz Island, often referred to as “The Rock,” was America’s most notorious federal prison. Situated in the chilling waters of San Francisco Bay, it housed some of the country’s most dangerous criminals from 1934 to 1963. Its isolated location, surrounded by treacherous currents, made escape virtually impossible, feeding its infamous reputation. The notorious inmates like Al Capone and “Birdman” Robert Stroud, along with tales of harsh conditions and failed escapes, have contributed to its enduring allure. Today, it stands as a haunting reminder of America’s penal history and a popular tourist site.
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Alcatraz Island, often referred to as “The Rock,” was America’s most notorious federal prison. Situated in the chilling waters of San Francisco Bay, it housed some of the country’s most dangerous criminals from 1934 to 1963. Its isolated location, surrounded by treacherous currents, made escape virtually impossible, feeding its infamous reputation. The notorious inmates like Al Capone and “Birdman” Robert Stroud, along with tales of harsh conditions and failed escapes, have contributed to its enduring allure. Today, it stands as a haunting reminder of America’s penal history and a popular tourist site.
I enjoyed the commentary style, very professional and entertaining. Well done!
Thanks, Ian, that means a lot!
I went years ago, thanks for the overview. A fascinating landmark to visit.
Thanks! It's truly a unique place.
I really need to visit the next time I'm out on the West Coast!