· 5 years ago

Webinar Replay: Awesome Travel Stories with Global Convoy Circumnavigating the globe in a car that cost £75

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Watch the replay of our webinar Awesome Travel Stories: Around The World With Global Convoy on Travel Massive LIVE with adventurers Becca, Max and Joel joining us from Brighton, UK.

In this webinar we heard from:

Becca Marsh, Creative Director & Videographer. Becca started out as an Art and Design Teacher, but she found her passion for learning and teaching through exploring new places and cultures.

Maximillian White, Director & Editor. Currently convincing people to risk their lives for adventure, Max worked in an office for IBM for several years until he found his passion for roughing it in the great outdoors.

Joel Chevaillier, General Manager & Conceptual Director. Traveling the world through good conversation and good beer, Joel grew up in California and is enthusiastic about meeting people from all walks of life to exchange stories and knowledge.

About Global Convoy

The ever growing community that came from Global Convoy (www.globalconvoy.com) started in August 2016, when Joel, Max and Becca set out on an adventure of a lifetime, taking anyone and everyone with them to try and circumnavigate the globe, in a car that cost £75.

They set out with the aim to visit some of the world’s most notoriously dangerous and misrepresented locations, in order to compare reality, to the information fed to us by the news, internet and social media.

Since their first trip they have become hooked on travelling with groups of strangers and have just completed their 5th expedition.

– Thank you Becca, Max and Joel for sharing your story!

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Awesome Travel Stories with Global Convoy

Awesome Travel Stories with Global Convoy was posted by Maria Stoyanova in Article , Travel Massive Blog , Adventure , Roadtrips . Updated on Jul 7, 2022 (2 years ago). Webinar Replay: Awesome Travel Stories with Global Convoy is not rated yet.