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Adam Engel
Member for 2 Years
Joined October 2022
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About me

I am the founder and CEO of IN., which we like to call "the together app" because that's what we do -- facilitate you and your friends getting together for trips, events, and parties.

We are built on the unrelenting belief that the sense of belonging we get from offline experiences with loved ones cannot be supplanted by online proxies -- but that the latter can be a facilitator of making the former happen.

Our secret sauce is that we are on a mission to put the power back in the hands of those who make the plans -- our friends who sacrifice time, money, and enjoyment to give us some of our favorite memories dancing at a concert, sleeping under the stars, sailing the seas, eating the best food, and so many more.

IN. is the first platform to empower Planners to quickly get buy-in, seamlessly share costs, collaboratively book experiences, and get rewarded for making plans.

