Serial nomadic traveler & product creator. Founder @ Pangea
Hi There - are there any NYC meetups happening soon? I didn't see any but wanted to be sure I'm not missing anything!
New York City Travel Massive 4 months ago
Hi there! I'll be in Nairobi all month - if there are any meetup events let me know, would love to meet!
Nairobi Travel Massive 1 year ago
Hi All - I wanted to bump this - as I am in Zanzibar now and head to Nairobi on Sunday for the durration of November. Would be great to meet some others in the city and/or attend any events going on!
Nairobi Travel Massive 1 year ago
I took a Sabbatical in 2019. I essentially told my boss that I enjoyed my job and wanted to stay, but also wanted to take 3-6 months off to travel, and would be willing to resign if there was no way to make it happen. It was a very respectful conversa... show more
Have you gone on a sabbatical? 1 year ago
We love to hear this TS! Glad you are enjoying our app :)
Pangea 1 year ago