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Alexandra Cram
Member for 9 Years
Joined January 2016
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About me

Canadian film production designer that reinvented myself when I discovered Croatia in 2006. Based in Dubrovnik, I see Dalmatia as a place that has this addictive combination of a compelling history that runs like a wonderful thread through everything from the regional foods, the people, and the astounding natural beauty from sea to sky that first captivated me. I love to tell stories, have an endless appetite for exploring the region and local food and wines. I truly enjoy making people laugh, and always prefer to be outside!

Why did you join the community?

Intrepid traveller - Inspired to meet others that are passionate about what they love.

What is your favorite travel destination?

The Balkans

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Hiking the Dinaric Alps. Via Dinarica trail

What was your first travel job?

Tour Guide/host on sailing excursions Croatia

What do you want to learn more about?

Networking, Crowdfunding, Business management in tourism, small business growth

Three words that describe why we should travel?

To experience - to see, taste, feel. To be inspired and inspire others.

