Dobro došli! Hvala što razmišljate o učešću u Travel Massive Montenegro! Naš je cilj da rastemo i služimo kao otvorena, inovativna i inspirativna mreža za turističke stručnjake u oblasti "sharing and caring". Saradnju u sklopu ovog kooperativnog centra omogućava nam da zajedno pomognemo unapređenju solidnog i integracionog turističkog razvoja u našoj zemlji. Naš je cilj da stvorimo više atraktivnih doživljaja za posjetioce i građane, te da na taj način obezbijedimo bolju perspektivu za mogućnosti dugotrajnog zapošljavanja u oblasti turizma. Pridruživanjem dobijate nova znanja, vještine i prilike za saradnju. Ohrabrujemo studente i mlade stručnjake da učestvuju u ovoj "glokalnoj" (globalnoj i lokalnoj) zajednici, koja sve više učestvuje u prekograničnoj saradnji i međunarodnim razmjenama. Takođe pozivamo ljude iz srodnih sektora kao što su informacione tehnologije, poljoprivreda, arhitektura, "startups", itd. da se priključe i da pomognu u stvaranju novih značajnih događaja i susreta.
Crna Gora, "Divlja ljepota", dobila je ogromne "Božije darove". Proglašenje Crne Gore jednom od destinacija sa najbržim rastom (8. u svijetu, WITC 2016.) donosi velike izazove ali i prilike. Jedinstvene vrijednosti prirode, kulture, pejzaža i stilova života predstavljaju osnovu naše turističke privrede. Želimo da ohrabrimo i podržimo njihovu zaštitu. Posvećivanje održivom razvoju je stvar etičkog principa.
Prava Crna Gora se ne definiše brojem zvjezdica na vratima (te zemaljske zvjezde možete da nađete svuda), već onima koje svjetlucaju na duboko-plavom nebu. Promjenljive boje planina, dolina i voda, i čobani koji čuvaju svoju stoku na katunima, napuniće vašu korpu pričama – ako im dozvolite. Ljudi u Crnoj Gori su topli, gostoprimni i opušteni u najboljem smislu riječi. Možda sve ne funkcioniše odmah, ili na besprekorno organizovani "zapadni način", ali velika iskustva se nekako uvijek dese. Jeste, mi smo Evropa - i jeste, mi nismo Evropa.
Što dalje čini "Divlju ljepotu" jedinstvenom je kombinacija ludog intenziteta njenih raznovrsnih pejzaža, surovih planina, raznolikih kultura, bogate istorije, kao i modernim i savremenim. Morska obala ima dužinu od oko 300 km i pripada najspektakularnijim primorskim pejsažima u Evropi. Istraživanje pet različitih nacionalnih parkova i opuštanje na primorju sa svim onim doživljajima "Izvan uobičajenih staza" je kliše, ali i ono što pustolovni putnik ne bi trebalo da propusti.
"Ovo je zemlja sa harizmom... koliko god često posjećujem Crnu Goru, svaki put me obara s nogu" (Tamara Sheward iz Lonely Planeta, slažemo se!).
Welcome! Thank you for considering joining Travel Massive Montenegro! Our aim is to grow and serve as an open, innovative and inspirational network for “sharing and caring” tourism professionals. By working together through this cooperative hub we can collectively help develop a healthy and integrating tourism development in our entire country. Our goal is to create more attractive experiences for visitors and citizens, therefore, ensuring better prospects for lasting job opportunities in the tourism field.
By joining us, you will benefit from new knowledge, skills and cooperation opportunities. We are encouraging students and young professionals to join this “glocal” (global and local) community, embracing growing cross border collaboration and international exchange. People from related sectors such as ICT, agriculture, architecture, start-ups, etc are also warmly welcomed to come and co-create new meaningful conversations and events.
Montenegro, the “Wild Beauty”, has received huge “gifts of God”. As one of the fastest growing destinations (8th worldwide, WTTC 2016) this brings enormous challenges as well as opportunities. The unique values of nature, culture, landscapes and lifestyles make up the basis of our tourism industry. We want to encourage and support their protection. Commitment to sustainable development is a matter of ethical principle.
The real Montenegro is not defined by the number of stars at the door (those worldly stars you can find anywhere), but by the ones sparking in the deep blue sky. With the changing colors of the mountains, valleys and waters and the shepherds herding their cattle on the “katun” (mountain pasture) your story basket will be filled if you let yourself go. Montenegro´s people are welcoming, hospitable and laid back in the best sense of the word. Everything may not work out immediately, or in the perfectly organised “western way”, but great experiences are always somehow made possible. Yes, we are Europe – and yes, we are not Europe.
What further makes “Wild Beauty” unique is the combination of the insane intensity of its ever-changing landscapes, rugged mountains, cultural diversity, rich history, along with the modern and fancy. The coastline is about 300km and belongs to Europe’s most spectacular seaside sceneries. Explore the five diverse National Parks and relax by the coast with all the pampering. “Off the beaten path” is a cliché, but that´s what an adventurous traveller should not miss.
“This is a country with charisma… no matter how often I visit, Montenegro floors me every time.” (Tamara Sheward of Lonely Planet, we agree!)
Our group is a great mix of open minded travel & tourism professionals, most of us located here in #MontenegroWildBeauty. Welcome to join! #TravelMassiveMNE 🌿
Hi everyone in #TravelMassiveMNE & elsewhere - we are planning with an event (hybrid = partly people on site, partly joining online). Topic roughly: Digital nomad/Remote work needs & policies.🌍 If you have suggestions for issues that we should put into the radar, drop us a message or comment here below 👇 Thanks & Happy World Tourism Day!
Great topic! More and more people are becoming digital nomads and remote workers.
Maybe you can get in touch with Playworking - a coliving space in Montenegro ( and they can share some insights?
Also, John Lee, a Travel Massive member created an amazing resource for digital nomad visas around the world - another great topic to consider:
Thanks Maria, oh yes Jeffrey of Playworks is a friend and the place is great too. Like your 2nd tip, interesting! From LinkedIn, this webinar,
Hi to all our #TravelMassiveMNE community members! Let´s say hello to 2022, even though our next LIVE event must still wait... Here you are welcome to register for the 12th Jan meetup online: - see you there!
Hi, Montenegro and friends: The first weekend of June is yours! And Super Early Bird tickets are still available. Go.👉 👈
And then, happy weekend!
Interesting project in Montenegtro in May:
Yes - and it´s a yearly returning one :=). On 15th May another one, for the sporty ones among us...
Hi everyone in #TravelMassiveMNE
tomorrow Tuesday, pay attention to a mailbox near you ...or if you can´t wait, how about this:
Hi everyone in #TravelMassiveMNE - you may have seen on social media this event TIVAT TOURISM THINK TANK - REGENERATION FOR THE REGION #TTTT22 - with Danica Banjevic (here on TravelMassiveMNE - Director of the DMO Tivat) we thought of publishing it here as well, but it is getting sooner full than expected - so heads up if you like to join, here is the what, the why & the how - there are few seats left: One Regeneration Lab goes like this:
"Fancy an all-year-round travel season? Want to learn about current trends and predictions for season 2023?
Ready to harness the opportunities brought by remote workers and digital nomads? If you responded YES to any of these, you shouldn't miss the Regeneration Lounge at the 1st TTTT Conference on November 15th, Ever-evolving Digitalisation: Think, Plan and Execute!" There Andjela Djokic and Jovan Radnic (both here in #TravelMassiveMNE as well) will introduce you to digital marketing strategies that ensure long-term sustainability of your business.
Hi everyone - here's the recap of our beautiful event with Andjela & the FitCamp team 💚 - what could be next? Let us hear from you!
Hi everyone on #TravelMassiveMNE
We wish you a lovely holiday season - Srećan Božić i sve najbolje za zdravu, sretnu i mirnu Novu godinu! If you have a topic and/or place in your mind that we should get together to - welcome to drop Slavica and me a message - and in January, we will invite again to a first informal online one to welcome 2023.
Pozdravljamo 2023. sa fantastičnim gostujućim govornikom iz Njemačke. Njegova prezentacija na #TTTT22 ocijenjeno je jednim od najkorisnijih. Pridružite nam se 9.2.! 👉 Events. #TravelMassiveMNE
Hi everyone - you have still time to register for tonight´s first STARGAZING event of Montenegro - we have perfect weather conditions - Here an impression from the "other side" what we will see:
Looking forward!
Hi everyone, on 13th December check out and join this inspirational 🎬 event on “Slow Travel Stories” - to discover local people, stories and places. (One of the short videos chosen will be from Balkan Green :=).
Cheers, Kirsi
Hi #TravelMassiveMNE members - 2025 this country is ranken the 3rd best place to be for #digitalnomads #remotework 🌍
Big YES for many reasons.