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Amlan Nanda
Co-Founder & CPO, SmartNomad
Member for 3 Years
Joined December 2021
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Innovation, Digital, Experience of other founders

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  • Hi Susannah. Thank you for the kind words and giving it a shot! Did you hit the 'Plan' button after selecting the age/economy/business and entering other info? It should take you to next screen or highlight any missing info.

    Profile picture

    SmartNomad 2 years ago

  • Hi Sally! Thanks for checking us out, so glad you liked it. Can you please elaborate on where you got stuck? Were you able to generate an itinerary and did the itinerary have a flight in it? If so, on the itinerary page, you can tap on flight to review ... show more

    Profile picture

    SmartNomad 2 years ago

  • Ian, thank you so much for checking out the product and the insightful feedback. Appreciate it. :) 1. On the home page, user can unselect flight, hotel and car if they have them already booked elsewhere and they will be skipped from search. We are buil... show more

    Profile picture

    SmartNomad 2 years ago

  • Hello all and wish everyone a very happy new year! After being in stealth mode for 2+ years, me and my co-founders are excited to share the launch of SmartNomad with you. The story of SmartNomad, like many startups, is deeply personal. We were technol... show more

    Profile picture

    SmartNomad 3 years ago

  • Just moved to Miami, will celebrate with bunch of tourists and New York refugees like me.
