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Apoorva Prasad
Founder, The Outdoor Group
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Member for 4 Years
Joined February 2021
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Luxembourg, Helsinki, Boulder
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About me

Founder, The Outdoor Journal & Voyage. Climber, snowboarder, journalist & photographer.

Why did you join the community?

I'm the founder of The Outdoor Journal & Voyage ( &

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Freelance travel journalist / writer / photographer - sent on my first assignment at the age of 22.


  • Heya. I feel like I just replied to the exact same question on the Tourpreneur group on Fb. I’ve used FATMAP in the past, it’s very detailed. (We had a partnership with them with both our companies). However I’m sure there are several other great tools!

  • Thanks for bringing this up, Scott. Unfortunately, there is a strong ethnocentric bias in ANY conversation related to "travel" and "sustainability". Also, everyone talking about travel and sustainability has drunk the koolaid of "personal responsibility... show more

  • Actually, I came to the conclusion that sustaining local communities is the only real way to help environmental issues on a more macro level. Some of the worst (macro) environmental problems are caused by resource exploitation in developing countries, w... show more


