Founder, The Outdoor Journal & Voyage. Climber, snowboarder, journalist & photographer.
I'm the founder of The Outdoor Journal & Voyage ( &
Freelance travel journalist / writer / photographer - sent on my first assignment at the age of 22.
Heya. I feel like I just replied to the exact same question on the Tourpreneur group on Fb. I’ve used FATMAP in the past, it’s very detailed. (We had a partnership with them with both our companies). However I’m sure there are several other great tools!
Thanks for bringing this up, Scott. Unfortunately, there is a strong ethnocentric bias in ANY conversation related to "travel" and "sustainability". Also, everyone talking about travel and sustainability has drunk the koolaid of "personal responsibility... show more
Should we be encouraging people to travel? 10 months ago
Actually, I came to the conclusion that sustaining local communities is the only real way to help environmental issues on a more macro level. Some of the worst (macro) environmental problems are caused by resource exploitation in developing countries, w... show more
How can a content creator encourage "better" travel? 10 months ago