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Esra Alhamal
Travel Content Creator, Designer Esra
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Member for 7 Years
Joined October 2017
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About me

My name is Esra and I am a Muslim millennial travelling and living mindfully on a budget and currently based in London.

I left my home in Saudi when I was 17 after I graduated from high school to go to university in the US. Four years later, I moved to the UK and started my university degree again! I first was in Manchester, but I then moved to London and that last move turned me into a travel blogger! I suddenly had four possible airports around me and so many cheap budget flights.

When I was growing up, I never thought I would have this lifestyle that allows me to travel and I never thought of all the countries I would visit. I am very grateful to be able to visit over 30 countries with my Saudi passport. Seeing the world and experiencing different cultures first hand is such a privilege. My travels increased after I started this blog and I am looking forward to sharing more of the world with you, so you can plan your travels with more insight. I focus on Muslim female friendly destinations worldwide because I know that as a Muslim, I travel slightly differently than other religious groups. Architectural heritage is one of my travel interests since that is what I studied in university and my love for outdoor activities is increasing with every new thing I try! :D

Why did you join the community?

To network with other travellers and content creators and to find professional travel opportunities

What is your favorite travel destination?

Iran, Portugal & Bosnia

Where do you dream of traveling to?

South America

What was your first travel job?

Travel Blogger

Three words that describe why we should travel?

To learn, to be aware and to create
