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Ashleigh Campbell
Sales Executive, A|Brand consulting
Member for 4 Years
Joined August 2020
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About me

I have been in the tourism industry for over 20 years. Born in Zimbabwe.
Moved from the Kruger park area and had the privilege to work for the Table Mountain cableway in marketing and events.
I worked for the Tsogo Sun / Southern Sun Hotel group for over 12 years, ANEW Hotel & Resorts Group for 1 year.

I started my own freelance company called A|Brand consulting working on various projects promoting
We Women Golf Magazine / Bespoke Magazine / various tourism and activities packaging.

I recently accepted a contract where I promote ATM machines in the DCC areas - particularly the hotels, attractions and hotspots where the tourists like to visit. A dynamic product that offers universal transactions, Crypto express and offers the DCC sites an opportunity to earn a rental income.

I love networking and supporting people in their business ventures. Kindness goes a long way... Smile it might make someone's day!

Why did you join the community?

Surround yourself with people who have the same passion!


  • A definite winter warmer! Thank you for always offering a fantastic, professional well organised collaboration. A great synergy, networking platform. As a TEAM we can achieve great summits. Ashleigh

