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Ashleigh Smith
Joined 9 months ago
Member since June 2024
Verified member
Manchester, UK
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About me

We are The Smith's.. myself Ashleigh is a Team Co-Ordinator and a self-employed Travel Consultant, my husband Alex is a self-employed Bricklayer and we have our son Freddie and as a family we love to travel. So far we have visited Maldives, Lisbon, Malta, Spain and Mauritius. We have a trip to Tunisia upcoming and are currently in the process of planning our trips for next year.

We have a travel blog where we like to document our trips as a family but we also blog about our trips as a couple :)

Why did you join the community?

We heard about Travel Massive via social media and felt this was a great opportunity to network with tourism boards and travel suppliers.

What is your favorite travel destination?

As a family our favourite destination was the Maldives. The destination is beautiful and not only was this our honeymoon but it was our first family holiday so holds a special place in our hearts!

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Our dream destination would be South Africa to do a safari and also, shark cage diving as this is something which is on our bucket list as a family.

What was your first travel job?

My first job was a Travel Agent in a high-street store. I actually had a passion for travel growing up I took a travel and tourism course in collage which led me to working in the Travel & Tourism industry.

What do you want to learn more about?

As a family we love to travel, we love learning about different cultures, history, meeting new people and also, making special memories as a family.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Memories, culture and learning about the incredible history many countries have.