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Peter Daams
Member for 9 Years
Joined January 2015
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About me

I founded Travellerspoint with my brother back in 2002. It's still ticking along and has grown to over 1 million members.

I've also helped build various other travel sites including I Know The Pilot, I Want That Flight and this lovely new incarnation of Travel Massive.

Aside from travelling, I'm also a keen gardener and love spending time outside in the weeds.

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

South America

What was your first travel job?

Running Travellerspoint

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Expand your horizons


  • Thanks for the feedback. An import function is something that gets requested from time to time, so quite possibly it's worth doing.

  • Apple and Google's latest moves in travel perhaps the final straw?

  • Interesting. Some things too look out for 1. What's the ecosystem like around it - eg. for drawing on the map, clustering icons, etc. 2. Licensing - If you want to sell users the option of a printable map, will you be allowed to? Would you be allowe... show more

  • The biggest thing is really just to limit the amount of air travel. Slow travel / staying longer in destinations is a good way to achieve this and just limiting your number of plane trips overall. Hard to acknowledge when you work in this industry but... show more

  • If you click the "Start Mapping your Trip" link on the landing page, it will take you to a signup form. The link to the landing page can be found under the Links dropdown next to the Upvote button on this page. Interested in any feedback if you give... show more
