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Bereng Monareng
Creative Director
Member for 4 Years
Joined August 2020
Verified member
United Kingdom
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About me

Born and raised in Brixton South London, to a Scottish mother and South African father, I was never one for normalcy.

I think it's in my blood, my genes, my nature.

This burning desire to be more than is expected of me.

And yet, when I became the youngest store manager of the largest electronics retailer in Europe, it didn't fulfil me.

On paper, making more than the national uk average salary at the age of 19/20 with a career plan to double that in 5 years sounds great, but it wasn't enough.

So I left, moved to Spain shortly after and spent the next 5 years on a wild journey of self discovery.

I taught English for the Ministry of Education, developed curriculum, held cultural workshops and immersive experiences, collaborated at large conferences; holding workshops for Spanish teachers and much more. The pay was significantly lower but my impact on the world was significantly higher.

Teaching afforded me the time and headspace to explore my creative side, so I picked up the camera that I had only used to take photos of squirrels in my garden, and the rest is history.

Over the next 5 years I taught myself photography, and more recently, video production/editing. I lived in Hong Kong, South Africa, Madrid, Ho Chi Minh City, and Bali during this time.

My creative work took me around the world, from curating and capturing experiences for the number one hostel in Hong Kong to filming marketing material for luxury retreats in Belize and Malta.

I was recently speaking about travel on a panel of content creators that Evita Robinson (Founder of NOMADNESS and Audacity) referred to as "literally three of my favourite content creators walking the planet", and it reignited my passion for travel content, even amidst a pandemic.

So I'm planning adventures to far away lands and looking for opportunities to create and tell stories with colourful brands.

Why did you join the community?

I would like to network with other travel professionals.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Hong Kong

Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Experience curator

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Freedom, growth, humanity.
