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Stephanie Jones
Founder, National Blacks in Travel and Tourism Collaborative
Member for 4 Years
Joined February 2021
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United States
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About me

Hello there!

I am a serial social entrepreneur on a mission to diversity the travel and tourism industry by creating new game changing initiatives and partnering with industry allies to ensure Blacks in travel and tourism are prepared and positioned to fully participate and profit in the industry.

I am the founder of the National Blacks in Travel and Tourism Collaborative (BTT), where we work diligently to advance Blacks in Travel and Tourism. I serve on the U.S. Travel and Tourism Advisory Board and several national and global tourism advisory committees ensuring there is Black representation at tables and advocating for equitable inclusion in our industry.

Why did you join the community?

I want to join to connect with industry allies who believes it's time for a more diverse, equitable and inclusive industry for all!


  • Thank you Travel Massive for this amazing platform that allows BTT to amplify our work to a global travel and tourism network. BTT works to advance Blacks in travel and tourism and to level the playing field for Black businesses to actively participate ... show more

