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Bora Shnitman
VP Destination Marketing, Dragon Trail International
⭐️ Community Leader
Member for 4 Years
Joined August 2020
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Why did you join the community?

To expand my professional network, link to like minded travel enthusiasts, learn and share travel trends, insights and related events

What is your favorite travel destination?

Tajikistan and Slovenia

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Bora Bora

What was your first travel job?

Tour leader in China and Central Asia


  • Good day dear Cape Town community! Greetings from Beijing travel massive chapter! I will be traveling to Cape Town between April 21-29th. Would love to get recommendations re township tours and exciting opportunities to explore local music scene. Also ,... show more

  • Welcome Dragos! This group is slowly coming to life , just like Chinese inbound/outbound travel industry:)

  • happy Friday dear Amsterdam community ! I am Bora from Travel Massive Beijing :) there is a potential short project that requires local expertise about Amsterdam canals, key attractions, presentation skills, storytelling and video shooting . Please let... show more

  • Being stuck in China for a while , perhaps ( if not outdated ) some of the travel hacks for rest of the world will include : 1. and 2. for many attractions, bars, venues off the beaten path 3. when arrivi... show more

  • ciao dear Venice fans! I am Bora from Travel Massive Beijing :) there is a potential short project that requires local expertise about Venice canals, key attractions, presentation skills, storytelling and video shooting . Please let me know if you woul... show more

