Boris Muratovic
Director, Tourism organisation of Niksic
Member for 4 Years
Joined May 2020
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About me

Director at Tourism Organisation of Niksic responsible for decision making, organizing training and courses for employees, task assignment, financial and activity planning, control of work results.

Ex advisor in the Statistical Office of Montenegro - responsible for the activities related to energy, tourism and migration statistics (logical and statistical control of data, preparation and publishing of press releases, the management of projects related to the mentioned areas). Ex Member of the High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics which mission is to work collaboratively to identify trends, threats, and opportunities in modernising statistical institutions in Europe.

Significant experience in politics gained as a councilor in The Municipal Assembly. Experienced Statistician and Speaker with a demonstrated history of working in the government administration. Positive person with an innate leadership characteristics and excellent analytical skills. Diligent and patient person, never gives up in achieving the goals. Strong research professional with a Master of Science in International Economics and Finance.

International working experience got as an IPA Trainee in Hungarian Central Statistical Office working for 6 months on SEEMIG project (Managing Migration and its Effects in South-East Europe). Attended numerous seminars and workshops around the Europe in order to improve business skills and worked on many projects in Montenegro. Winner of many awards during studies for outstanding abilities and excellent grades, as well as prize on the IT contest for innovative solution in the field of information technology.

Mother tongue is Montenegrin, but English and Russian can speak very well.
