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Camila Castro
Writer, Coach + Founder, Be Journeyful
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Member for 5 Years
Joined October 2019
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About me

Global citizen, seeker, writer, life-long learner, mindful traveler and SOULpreneur. I am a certified Mindful Travel + Breathwork Coach, helping people create more enriching, fulfilling and rewarding travel experiences through mindful tools and practices. Together we navigate both their inner and outer journeys, so they feel inspired and empowered to travel and live with greater purpose, meaning and impact. I am also the founder of, a purpose-driven travel & lifestyle blog that supports mindful travel and meaningful living. Our goal is to inspire and empower passionate dreamers, seekers, creators and changemakers to live and travel more mindfully in order to create greater meaning in their lives, foster deeper connections with global communities, and collectively have a world-positive impact along the way!

Why did you join the community?

I believe in the power of travel to connect us and have a positive impact, and I feel that this community is also aligned with that vision.

What is your favorite travel destination?

South Africa

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Sri Lanka

What was your first travel job?

Operations for a tour operator

What do you want to learn more about?

Creating conscious travel brands with a social impact

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Travel connects us


  • I absolutely loved this podcast! Such a compelling and fascinating story. I felt like I was experiencing their ground-breaking RTW journeys with each of these courageous and inspiring women. Highly recommend!

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    A Race Around the World 10 months ago

  • This workshop was very insightful and informative. The principles of traveling with meaning that Mike shares really give one a concrete and easy-to-follow process for bringing greater meaning into your travels and experiences! I love that they all stem ... show more
