Mike Schibel, Founder of Travel With Meaning a lifestyle and content brand connecting people with authentic travel storytelling through podcast, live events, experiences and brand campaigns. His passion for travel and building community sparked the idea to launch the travel network, Travel With Meaning.
A SoCal native who grew up at the beach, loving the ocean and riding waves Mike is always eager to get out in nature. In his youth Mike loved adventuring especially exploring National Parks as a boy scout, traveling with family to their cabin in northern Minnesota and early adulthood traveling abroad. This led Mike on a transformational solo adventure around the globe leaving a behind an unfulfilling decade of a career in the entertainment business. Some of his favorite destinations include; New Zealand, Bali, Los Cabos Mexico, California Road tripping, Sedona, Arizona and the bright lights of NYC. Currently residing in Santa Monica, California with his fiancé Nicole, and fur babies Barbara and Mija.
Have a listen on all streaming platforms to the Travel With Meaning Podcast as Mike interviews notable guests from around the globe whose travels shaped their lives, careers and who they are today. Travelwithmeaning.com
I want to help inspire potential travelers to take a trip that move, touches and inspires. Encouraging that traveler to inspire others.
Working Spring Break for a company called College Tours
People and the environment
Growth, freedom, happiness
I wanted to make sure people knew were offering the Travel Massive community a 50% discount to take the course, using the code "TRAVEL MASSIVE". Offer ends March 31st.
How to Travel With Meaning Workshop 1 year ago
My name is Mike Schibel, and I am the host of the Travel With Meaning podcast. I've been part of the Travel Massive community for eight years. I might have met some of you at events in LA or at the Travel Talk Live events I hosted pre-pandemic. As the ... show more
How to Travel With Meaning Workshop 2 years ago