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Cheryl Cullen
Managing Director, Visit London Taxi Tours
Member for 4 Years
Joined September 2020
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About me

I am the founder of and manage Visit London Taxi Tours. We provide traditional and bespoke taxi tours of London.

The tour industry was all new to me until a couple of years ago. Luckily, I had some transferable skills. So far, best thing I have ever done. I enjoy being my own boss and being able to work from anywhere. The best thing about this role and business is being part of the fantastic time our guests have. Sometimes there is minimum input but sometimes there is quite a lot, with advice and guidance that goes way beyond the tours we provide - and we love doing it. Over the last couple of years I have been blown away by the support groups, resources like podcasts and webinars that are made available to all.

What is your favorite travel destination?

So far it has been NZ

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Canada and Argentina

What was your first travel job?

This one.

What do you want to learn more about?

How to ride out COVID-19

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Explore - Grow - Give


