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Christian Svoboda
Member for 8 Years
Joined July 2016
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16 events
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About me

Group Travel Consultant with personal travel experience and industry contacts in over 70 countries.

At our well traveled consultants use their unrivaled experience, creativity, and high level industry connections to help arrange amazing international vacations. We provide the best available prices for all inclusive vacation packages, guided international tours, and exotic luxury cruises. Christian is an expert in custom luxury groups to Europe, South America, and the Caribbean including family reunions, destination weddings, and sporting events. Call us today to start planning that trip you have always dreamed about with friends and family. (516)650-8018

Why did you join the community?

Always great to meet fun new people in the travel industry.

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

private islands

What was your first travel job?

Consultant at Liberty Travel

What do you want to learn more about?

Industry events and group trips

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Makes Life Better