I'm a photographer, writer, and travel critic based in Minnesota. I've been traveling for as long as I can remember and photographing and writing about my travels for almost as long! These days I am shifting my long-standing blog to a broader travel planning website. At the same time I'm doing some freelance work, selling photography, giving travel talks, and expanding my current talk on travel photography tips into a full class.
I'd like to connect with others working in the travel field in my home area
Wherever I'm headed next
connection, learning, joy
I love that more of these type of trips are available all the time. Having planned some for myself, I know how hard it is to build your own! But sometimes I wonder if people even know what their personal interests are -- so often I see posts on social t... show more
I used to believe that travel was transformative for all travelers because it is for me. I really believed that if everyone only went out a saw how amazing the world is and how many ways there are to live in it, they would return home with a new respect... show more
NOBODY has been able to hire all the people they need. Why should the airlines be any different? The workforce changed during the pandemic and isn't going to go back to what it was any time soon. The airlines will have to manage by raising prices to cut... show more
Did you miss a flight because of airport chaos? 2 years ago