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Robin Catalano
Freelance writer, travel editor
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Member for 4 Years
Joined April 2020
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Stephentown, NY
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About me

Robin Catalano believes in the power of storytelling to connect communities and cultures. She’s applied her creative approach to writing for magazines, books, blogs, websites, and digital and print marketing, and has published more than 100 articles and 1,000+ blog posts for publications such as National Geographic, Travel + Leisure, Conde Nast Traveler, TIME, Smithsonian, AFAR, Fodor's, the Boston Globe, ROVA, Bon Appetit, Albany Times Union, and many more. Robin specializes in the Northeast US, as well as Spain, where she travels at least once annually. Robin is a four-time speaker at the Women in Travel Summit, and was selected as the 2020 Writer-in-Residence at Arrowhead, the historic home of Herman Melville in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. In 2022, she was a finalist for the International Food Wine and Travel Writers Association's Excellence in Journalism Award.

Why did you join the community?

I want to connect and share ideas with other travel pros

What is your favorite travel destination?

San Sebastian, Spain

Where do you dream of traveling to?

New Zealand

What was your first travel job?

As the Senior Editor of Sante Magazine, I was sent on a press trip to Chile

What do you want to learn more about?

Forging stronger connections in the industry when you live outside a major metro area

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Experience new cultures, stretch yourself, open creative mental space


  • The Jersey shore is lovely! I haven't been back in several years, but I should make it a point to visit soon.

  • Happy to! Hope you'll have a chance to visit.

  • Hello! I'm a travel journalist for publications like NatGeo, CN Traveler, and T+L who sometimes blogs on my favorite topic, coastal experiences. Whether in my backyard or halfway across the world, I'm always looking for places to indulge in "blue mind,"... show more

  • I'm also attending virtually from North America. I've heard good things about the conference from European colleagues, so I'm curious about the experience.