After a long experience in the travel industry as a freelancer I am now a Professor at Eberswalde (near Berlin) University for
eMarketing, Sustainable Management, eTourism, Ethics and Interneteconomy
I really like beeing in motion... the route is the goal - Island is one of my favorite islands.
waitress in a restaurant
what is the motivation why do people travel - what do they discover (?) ... I am doing field records and I am curious how people discover the world by hearing different sounds and noises...
If we travel we discover a lot about us and the world
It is amazing - we received so many really interesting applications! Thanks to you all for applying. Now the Jury members did their fantastic job - they voted (4eyes principle) and after that we discussed also some initiatives. Thanks to the Jury! And t... show more
cool idea!
Urban Challenger 2 years ago
Good Morning from Berlin there is another German Initiative from the Tourism Industry - its all about #transport, #accomodation #donation etc It is possible to book accomodation/see what is available ... it looks good. pls share it https://touristik-... show more
How can the travel industry help Ukraine? 3 years ago A list of german initiatives can be found here
How can the travel industry help Ukraine? 3 years ago