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Codou Olivia Ndiaye
Founder & Project Manager, Sibiti
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Member for 6 Years
Joined February 2019
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About me

I’ve come to realize that there’s no one way to live life. It seems very obvious but we often find ourselves so stuck in the mundane that we forget to live, learn, breathe and do whatever makes our soul happy. Travelling and being exposed to new places, people and cultures, helps develop a wider world view and makes you a better global citizen and human being because every destination has something unique to teach. Nowadays the notions of tolerance, of dialogue, are lost in acts of fear and rejection of the other, so I use my creativity and skills as tools to fight prejudices. I belong to this new generation of young, creative and bold Africans, that own their culture and heritage and are not afraid to break boundaries and speak their minds. Interested in public and social policy, visual arts, I've always been in the initiative to create/act for impact. Former Founder of @DakarLives on Instagram, an artistic window to Senegal and now Founder & managing "SIBITI", a platform to help you navigate Africa with ease.

Why did you join the community?

I would love to interact with like-minded people to get more inspired, motivated and have access to more opportunities
