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Cristina Luisa
Travel Writer, Chronicles of a Travel Addict
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Joined January 2015
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About me

Hi there! My name is Cristina and I am a writer, aspiring photographer, Latin Americanist, and Beat Generation junky. I'm also vegan and strongly support ethical, ecotravel. I have an insatiable lust for international and domestic travel.. So far, I have lived in, traveled through, volunteered, and taught in 26 countries, picking up Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese along the way, as well as many, many stories. Currently, I'm working on my first travel memoir and scheming my next jaunt through this gorgeous world.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Latin America

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Iceland, India, Tanzania, everywhere else, too

What was your first travel job?

Travel blogging

What do you want to learn more about?

How I can make this world a kinder, better place

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Love, exploration, mind-expansion
