I am a traveller, explorer, naturalist, photographer, conservationist, sportsman and adventurer; my life is around all activities that allow me to feel the nature like birds, rivers, fauna, flora, indigenous communities, the people, the food and everything that gives me a lifestyle in authentic nature experience.
I live happily, in balance and love with my country, and I want to share this feeling with all the people.
Colombia is the America diamond, with so many pristine places, with rich mega biodiversity waiting to be discovered responsibly.
That is my commitment, show my country in small groups, In a unique way for families, friends and adventurers like me, people who value nature, who want to preserve and sustain the earth.
The Channel that we create for B2B is RETORNO.Travel, a boutique company, with operation all around Colombia, with professional guides and the communities of each place. Our company exists since 1985 with the brand www.caminantesdelRETORNO.com who is for B2C and a different type of product.
Continue promoting responsibility and sustainable nature tourism, and make high impact teams with this goal.
always Colombia unseen
PNN Chiribiquete
Entrepreneur in nature tourism company
Responsible tourism
preserve biodiversity, sustain communities and social development.