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Francesco Cetraro
Founder, GigsGuide
⭐️ Community Leader 🤘 Rockstar
Member for 6 Years
Joined October 2018
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5 events
1 comment
Malmö, Sweden
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About me

Italian living in Sweden, mostly found in airports. After spending over a decade in the domain & hosting industry (among other things, launching the new domain extension .cloud) I am now busy building a platform that helps travellers find concerts and other live events that match their preferences during their trips.

Why did you join the community?

I am the founder of GigsGuide, looking to meet more people in the travel industry for potential partnerships (or just have drinks with :))


  • Let's face it... "predictions for next year" really is short for "things that would benefit my business that I wish will happen next year" :D Considering also what happened after the last "predictions" post I did on the GigsGuide ( ) ... show more