Elsa, a South-African born U.S. citizen, is a part-time piano teacher, freelance travel writer, photographer, food and wine-lover. During school holidays, she leads small group tours to South Africa and other countries, blogging on her website travelswithelsa.com. She loves to visit her family who live in Canada, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Since attending a Great Escape Workshop in Washington D.C. in 2017, she has become a freelance writer and contributor to Shutterstock. Her articles and blogs have been published in Links and Libations, The Travel Post, and TravelSquire, she has co-authored three articles, and won 2nd prize in an International Travel News competition. Her latest publication is a biography of her father, Piet Pompies, a famous South African comedian and songwriter.
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South Africa
Leading tour group to South Africa on safari
Restaurants and entertainment
Adventure, culture, history