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Eric La Bonnardière
CEO, Evaneos
Member for 10 Years
Joined February 2015
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About me

I am co-founder with Yvan Wibaux of I am graduated from Supélec and HEC and workd as a stratgeic consultant before launching in 2009. is an online platform that helps conceive personalized trip by relying on the advice and assistance of local agents established in the destination country. These local agents are tourism professionals (also called DMC – Destination Management Company) who traditionally provide services to major tour operators. Through, these local agencies work directly for the travelers by offering a fully customized service, specialized expertise and assistance on site (pick-up at the airport, assistance number 24/7, etc...) with a price 20% to 30% cheaper due to the absence of intermediary.

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Co-founder of Evaneos

