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Gene Quinn
Co-founder, Chairman, Volunteer, TravelScrum
🤘 Rockstar
Member for 10 Years
Joined February 2015
Verified member
7 events
New York Metro
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About me

I’ve been in the middle of media and ecommerce services in travel and other markets since long before the explosion of mobile.

In February 2020, as the pandemic was shutting down travel, two travel tech entrepreneurs and I co-founded , a non-profit company dedicated to helping the workers and businesses.

TravelScrum produced its first event, a global travel hackathon in June. It was created and managed by more than 30 volunteers on a core teams that registered 430 participants, 86 submissions and 49 judged projects.

I also am former CEO and co-founder of Tnooz, a leading provider of news, analysis and engagement in technology impacting travel. Also, former chairman of PhoCusWright and private investor in media, marketing, travel and financial services businesses.

Active in digital media, e-commerce and mobile in operating, investment, board and advisory roles at MTV Networks, Tribune Company, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA, birthplace of the Mosaic web browser), MIT Media Lab and numerous leading and start-up companies.

I like fly fishing, food, wine, traveling. Love all the time I can spend with my four grandchildren.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Next river I have yet to fly fish

Where do you dream of traveling to?

New Zealand, Kola Peninsula and Kamchatka to fly fish

What was your first travel job?

Investor and chairman of PhoCusWright

What do you want to learn more about?

Gaelic, the language of my ancestors

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Understand, enjoy people
