Smart Travel Planet is an exceptional network of boutique DMCs in more than 70 countries for the Spanish speaking markets. We go beyond a standard representation and provide a 360 degrees solution for both Tour Operators and Travel Agencies.
We provide detailed tours for FIT and Groups in the 5 continents through a selection of leading local inbound operators, while helping our DMC partners to adapt their products to these markets and grow together in honest, transparent and long-term cooperation.
Our main destinations:
🔸 America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay
🔸 Africa: Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Madagascar, Morocco, Rwanda, Santo Tomé y Principe, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda
🔸 Asia and Middle East: Armenia, Bangladesh, China, UAE, Georgia, India, Iran, Israel, Maldives, Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
🔸 Oceania & Pacific: Papua New Guinea
Check out all our destinations here:
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Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America