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Holly Maria Creed
Global Mobility and Travel Leader and Director and Co-Founder, Next Gen GM
⭐️ Premium Member
Member for 4 Years
Joined July 2020
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About me

Holly Maria Creed’s Global Mobility career began when she started a graduate scheme in US and UK expatriation tax before moving to EY to specialise in Global Mobility. Over the next eighteen months Holly ran a FTSE 100 client account and undertook her first Assignment to India. Upon Holly's return from India, she moved into Global Mobility consulting before undertaking the role of project manager to help the Head of Global Mobility establish a new operating model for an international energy company. This role saw Holly and her colleagues receive considerable industry recognition and named as runner ups for FEM EMEA EMMA Team Of The Year.

Holly subsequently has undertaken leadership roles within the technology industry focusing on centralizing and structuring worldwide Global Mobility and Travel teams through implementing innovative, streamlined and dynamic operating models.

Holly is fast gathering a positive reputation as a thought leader and innovator within the industry and in 2018 co-founded and launched the Next Gen GM. Alongside this achievement Holly has been nominated for thirteen industry awards, receiving commendations for seven categories and winning three categories including the 2019 FEM EMEA EMMA Global Mobility Innovator Of The Year.

Why did you join the community?

To expand my knowledge about the travel industry and enhance my industry knowledge.

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Expat Tax Graduate

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Culture, Education, Growth
