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Lorraine Keenan
founding director, Hero Holidays volunteer programs
Member for 9 Years
Joined April 2015
Verified member
41 events
South Africa
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About me

Lorraine Keenan, is a very proud inhabitant of Johannesburg (or Joburg - or ever better, when you’re in the know, Jozi).

Lorraine celebrates her Irish heritage as Chairperson of the Irish South Africa Association in Gauteng.

Lorraine is a cereal entrepreneur of over 35 years. She is driven by her passion and commitment for the development and upliftment of impoverished communities in South Africa. Her work is supported by her extensive experience in philanthropic endeavours as well as in sustainable development in Gauteng.

Most recently “Mother Goose” Lorraine, as a Gauteng destination expert, founded the Hero Holidays Volunteer Program.

Visionary Lorraine says, “Creating this volunteer tourism program embraces that which I’m most passionate about”.

i help build capacity in local and rural projects through Voluntourism .
Hero Holidays is a social enterprise working with well established sustainable projects in and around Johannesburg .which give the volunteer a meaningful experience on our purposeful programs

What is your favorite travel destination?

The karoo

Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

travel clerk Americam AA i London 1971

What do you want to learn more about?

Zulu language

Three words that describe why we should travel?

to expand our minds
