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Isaac Lumulisanaij
Director of Operations, Walks Tours
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Member for 1 Year
Joined February 2023
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Jersey City
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About me

Dutch, living in Jersey City. Have been in travel/tech since 2006. Worked on accommodation growth at, Marketing cruises at Virgin Voyages and experiences growth at GetYourGuide.

Why did you join the community?

The travel industry has a lot of runway still to grow and i'm excited to see all the innovation.


  • Cape Town was one of the stops during our honeymoon. - Wine Flies Wine tours, really good storytellers, fun group (small) and some great wine farms (fav stop was Mitre's Edge). - Accommodations, we stayed both in the city cen... show more

  • To be honest, Google sheets for travel planning. Once i'm in destination I store all places on a Google Maps List so I have all the geo locations stored for directions.

  • For city trips or familiar destinations (visited at least 1x before) i use significantly less information sources than new destinations. A new destination also depends on the trip type, e.g; A big city i'd much more likely watch youtube, insta and read ... show more

  • Tremendous insights. Aside from the more 'traditional' media platforms in travel I think the newsletter stands out with highlights, a little more focus on startups (which is great and keeps me informed) and then the talent collective on top of it. Great!

  • Hi all, my name is Isaac and I've been working in Travel Tech since 2006. I used to attend some of the VoyagerHQ startup pitch nights and I love that there's still a group of travel professionals that meet up. I have experience in Accommodations at Book... show more

