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James Hammond
Travel Podcaster, Winging It Travel Podcast
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Member for 2 Years
Joined November 2022
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About me

An ex girlfriend once told me about a thing called 'travelling' and I was like, 'what the hell is that?'. 10 years later I have been working and travelling as much as I can. Heading to Australia, New Zealand and Canada on Working Holiday Visas to work and save money to then travel until it all runs out. Travel, save, travel - repeat. Once again, I am off for another adventure in 2023 as I take my travel podcast (Winging It Travel Podcast) on the road with me to document my travels. The future is exciting and I can not wait! Please connect with me if you have any questions or want to come on my podcast!

Why did you join the community?

I want to be around people who love travel and share stories. Connection with people is the best thing. Even better when you can do it whilst traveling.

