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Arthur Sacramento
Founder/GM, Fans of Vancouver Tours
Member for 4 Years
Joined November 2020
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2 events
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About me

Hey there,

I'm the Founder and General Manager of the Fans of Vancouver Tours..

I love connecting with new people, hearing about new startup companies, and learning how people are making a positive impact on the tourism industry.

A few things about me...

I grew up in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and have lived in Tokyo, Léon, and Vancouver.
In 2014 I decided to put everything into building the new tour company focused on filming locations in Vancouver, also known as Hollywood North.
I am an avid traveler, having visited an extensive part of the world we live in.
I keep investing in new technology, we are now looking into the creation of new apps.
Feel free to connect with me here, and do not hesitate to contact us for further information or assistance.

Why did you join the community?

To network and celebrate our local and international communities

What is your favorite travel destination?

Hawaii, USA

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Petra, Jordan

Three words that describe why we should travel?

fun knowledge relaxation


  • Vancouver has an amazing number of art galleries that are mostly free to go in and enjoy all sorts of art. The art galleries are mostly in the same area of town, which helps enjoy what I call "Art Gallery Hop".

  • We all know how hard and wet our winter can be in Vancouver. Which cultural activities would get you out of the house to enjoy with friends and family?

  • Filmturismus is one of the best accounts on Instagram. It has amazing content and very precise documentation of the filming locations. It is awesome. One of my favorite sources of information about filming locations around the world.

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    Film Tourismus 3 years ago