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James Willcox
Member for 5 Years
Joined February 2020
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About me

I am the founder of the small travel company Untamed Borders. Since 2007 we have been taking people to places that are hard to travel to independently. We were the first people to organise ski trips to Afghanistan and Iraq, first commercial trips to Chechnya, Puntland and Mogadishu since the 80s. I am also one of the organisers of the Marathon of Afghanistan and the Somaliland Marathon, both events are the only mixed gender sporting events in their repsective countries.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Currently Yemen

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Visiting old deserts Forts of Nimruz province in Afghanistan

What do you want to learn more about?


Three words that describe why we should travel?

You shouldn't really. It's incredibly selfish and bad for the environment. But so is smoking and eating cake.

