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Jessica Flores
Chief Experience Officer, Tourism Cares
Member for 3 Years
Joined August 2021
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About me

I have spent more than a decade with Tourism Cares, now serving as the Chief Experience Officer, maximizing the organization’s engagement and impact to best serve the people and places of travel. My love of travel grew as I began connecting with travel communities around the world and that passion continues through activating tourism professionals to turn sustainable tourism from a niche to main practice in the industry. I'm also active on the Future of Tourism Coalition’s Communications Committee, creating a path forward for a positive future for travel.

When I'm not busy connecting with the Tourism Cares community or daydreaming about the next adventure, you can find me in my hometown of Providence, Rhode Island with my husband Dan and our two pups, Sophie and Abbie.


  • Tourism Cares has partnered with ProColombia on the Meaningful Map - and we are excited for how it will build connections from the trade to local community-led tourism in Colombia!
