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Jo-Anne Bowen
Travel writer
Member for 7 Years
Joined February 2018
Verified member
32 events
Vancouver Washington
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About me

I am a freelance travel writer currently residing in the Pacific Northwest. I was born and raised in Alberta, Canada. As a young professional, I made my first overseas trip with a 6-week university class in Italy. That ignited my love of traveling! Since then, I has traveled extensively to Europe, Great Britain, Scandinavia, Asia, South Pacific, Central America, Mexico as well as most states/provinces in both United States and Canada. I am a member of ITWPA.

Why did you join the community?

I want to join because I look forward to networking with others who share similar interests.

What is your favorite travel destination?

My favorite travel destination is Europe. I love the history!

Where do you dream of traveling to?

I dream of traveling to Africa - to experience the culture and the animals.

What do you want to learn more about?

I want to learn more about photography and how to maximize the use of my new Sony a6000.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Understand other's cultures.


