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Jon Burkhart
Founder/Chief Creative Officer, TBC Global Limited
Member for 5 Years
Joined July 2019
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About me

Jon is best known for being an award-winning international keynote speaker, content strategist, and co-author of Newsjacking: The Urgent Genius of Real-time Advertising.

As your friendly neighbourhood “Real-Time Guy,” Jon makes you more memorable in the moment. How? Well, he's worked with top brands as an influencer and content marketing specialist through TBC Global, his consultancy with a focus on travel brands.

He helps them find their impactful story, and his workshops often help tease this out through interactive games that amplify the learning through competition and play. Example: He coined the term 'game-inar' (a webinar & gameshow hybrid) and invented the “beernote closer’ - a closing keynote meets drinking game where he summarises the major themes in real-time with the light touch of an improv comedian.

He’s one of the only people in the world to speak 8 times at world-renowned South By Southwest Interactive and has served on the board for 5 years where he introduces global brands to this top US festival. He also has served on the board of Sports and Entertainment Alliance in Technology and created happy hour creativity challenge Night School for Cannes Lions. Find his work in places like Rolling Stone, Fast Company, and The Guardian.

Why did you join the community?

I am a keynote speaker at travel marketing conferences in USA and UK and I feel like TM's community is perfect for me.

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

copywriter for a boutique hotel

What do you want to learn more about?

working with influencers and connecting tour operators with them

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Expand your world
